Mornington Crescent Update - Focus on Lettering - 14 Apr 2024

Under construction

So I’ve painted the Mornington Crescent one that I mentioned in this post and the tiles went well (although I got the alignment wrong, so had to erase and redraw the horizontal lines, sigh). The center went ok, but the letters, well …

Partly painted Mornington Crescent sign

Not great! Despite drawing and tracing them, lots of little details on the letters were wrong. Also painting around the letters was tricky. Oh and the circles are quite uneven.


So I have this masking fluid, right. Also a trace of the lettering, so all I need to do, right, is cut out a template from card, and then paint masking fluid over the template so that the letters are masked out, right. Right?

Turns out all that did was create a template with masking fluid all over it! Starting over, I just painted the fluid (which is essentially latex) onto the letters with a brush, which was painful. The result:

Masked Mornington Crescent sign

It did mask the letters, then I could paint over the top to make it all more even. It still left the letters very ragged - I’ll need another tidying step to paint the edges of the letters with a finer brush. Ho hum, getting there.