Blue-black wall painting - 09 Jan 2024

Oh, the standard blue walls

Well I was inspired by the deep blue tiles on the London Underground, so decided to paint brick-like tiles using the same red-ink under glossy blue acrylic that I used before in this other pattern. I started with a deliberately uneven inking in red:

Base red ink layer

It is rotated here as I always rotate images, but obviously it is meant to be the other way up!

Then the gloss, then the varnish

After a few layers of gloss blue, and a varnish layer it still has some of the uneveness of the base layer, but is very dark:

Final blue black wall

Then for some reason I covered it in black ink - I was trying to just colour in the lines, but it went wrong so I went for it. Luckily the varnish means I could then wipe most of it off. Not quite what I was hoping for, but not terrible.