Coloured gesso squares - 12 Sep 2024

Just a test

I was curious about how to get a smoother coverage of acrylic over gesso and had a bright idea - why not just mix the acrylic into the gesso to get the colour in there. Maybe obvious! Anyway this was a test of how this looked:

Gesso squares

It definitely IS smoother and the cover is great. Not convinced it’s worth the effort though - it’s a lot messier than just acrylic alone (which is already quite messy). In any case, if you wanted a layer of acrylic on top, it would have the same problem.

Might still try it out for something more substantial, just to see what it looks like. Incidentially, one of the first attempts I made using gesso was this one where I painted the gouache on top of the gesso before it was fully dry so the colour mixed in.