Again and again. Yes I took another crack at this pattern - see previous post - with an eye to getting the geometry better, and the colours more pleasing. To start with, I did the maths a bit better, and determined the lengths of the smallest feature (1 = 10 mm, so 1.41… is approx 14, and so on). Then I started with the largest scale, and divided a couple of times, making great use of a 45 degree protractor that I own.
This was ok, although could be fiddly at times, possibly due to user error or decimal truncation error.
To paint, I chose a CMY palette - cyan+yellow to make greens for the squares, and cyan+scarlet to make some purples for the rhombuses. This looked nice in person, although it photographed badly.
Ok, rather I photographed it badly. It has the same yellow-green/orange-red issue that I’ve previously had when painting Penrose tilings. It looks a bit gross somehow.
Well of course. Why not eh. With cyan, as a mother colour:
I’m not sure anymore. I did like it at points. The variance in er lightness was interesting, but not necessarily what I wanted.