Failed Triangular Wooden-Style Design - 05 Aug 2023


Yes, sometimes things do not turn out the way you expect… (Like a lot of things in life)

In this case, the geometry went ok:

Triangular wooden design drawing

The main problem is the small triangles - it’s not obvious in the drawing, but these are quite different sizes. This is always a problem with small parts of these designs, as they are sensitive to small angle changes or distances. I did tidy up the 12-fold star parts (for once!) by drawing circles on top and adjusting.

… and then the painting

The idea here was to paint as if it was Marquetry (little bits of wood, to save you clicking the link). This would involve various shades of brown, which I do not usually try. That part actually worked out ok - some rose+yellow ocre and an interesting green/brown look nice:

Triangular wooden design painted

However the yellow triangles really show as different sizes. Then I tried to draw over the lines in black ink - I should have waited, as I was tired. Instead of using a ruler, I freehanded and mucked it up. Honestly, this was the one colour scheme that could have used pencil lines, or thinner ink (this was 0.5 mm). Oh well.