Red, green, and yellow tile - 08 Jul 2023

Where’s it from

I’m not sure, exactly - I saw it on the terrible show ‘Jack Ryan’ but I do not know the exact location of the church it was in. It’s set in Venezuala, but was filmed elsewhere so who knows. Anyway, the pattern is fairly simple:

Watercolour part-painted copy of floor tiling

The colours here are largely following the original design: red, green, and yellow with large white parts.

Final painting

I altered the colours for the final version slightly, by painting the curled parts in green instead of leaving them white. Also I painted in the larger radial leaves in an off-white (beige?) colour.

Watercolour final painted copy of floor tiling

I like the final form, but … the red looks a little like tomato soup! Which makes the green bits basil, perhaps.


The finished item is on Etsy.