Autumn Sun - 29 Oct 2022

I have to call them something …

So the design for this one is technically from the Mustansiriya Madrasa in Baghdad (from Broug’s book, page 76). I picked it as a nother candidate for an A3 drawing, as the smallest size I could draw (accurately) the tiles was still quite large.

Mustansiriya Madrasa design

However this time I learned from the previous pain, and used tracing paper. It was still 24 copies!

Autumn Sun

So then I painted it in various colours. I was going for shades across each section, with mixtures of green and brown, red and purple, grey and brown, and yellow and orange. All in watercolour pencil:

Mustansiriya Madrasa painted

There’s some subtle variation in colour, although not that noticable in this picture maybe. Also the geometry was still quite varied despite the tracing. Maybe I should do it more carefully? Finally, the brown in the grey did not work so well, so I darkened it with another shade of grey.


I’ve listed it here on Etsy