Five flower decagon - 27 Aug 2022

Five flower

So Samira Mian had a short video showing how to make a nice five-pointed flower (the video title is Sheikh Zayed Masjid). Although a bit tricky to get right, I tried putting some of them on one of the semieregular tilings from the David Sutton book. Specifically, the decagon and ‘bow-tie’ shape. The geometry ended up looking like this:

five flower decagon drawing

The central flower here has been overdrawn in ink. Or inked in? Whatever, it was unfortunate that the ink that I thought was brown turned out to have settled out of solution. The remaining solute was a reddish colour, even after my lame attempts to re-dissolve the precipitate using a hot water bath in a ramikin. Ho-hum.

Painting and inking

So, throwing caution to the wind, I painted in the geometry using watercolour pencils (embarassingly I had not realised that watercolour pencils could, well, dissolve in water - my friend’s 11 yr old son said to me today “What did you think they were for!” :) ). Anyway, turns out you can also dip them in water, which for the purple makes a nice streaky look.

five flower decagon painting

Unfortunately, some of the ink got smudged and the black ink as well. Then overdrawing (overinking?) the red with another brown … Well it’s a bit of a mess.


I’ve put this up on Etsy, but at a discount.