Another wall of bricks - 08 Aug 2022

Why a brick wall?

Good question, but the look of brick walls is appealing, and there are some subtleties in colours.

Watercolour pencils

I’ve (eventually) figured out how to use watercolour pencils, so I immediately - of course - set out to misuse them:

Drawn wall with watercolour pencil fill

Here I have just put the colours in fairly randomly, with some purple and orange among the reds and browns.


Then, I painted over the watercolour pencils with a mix of gouache and transparent watercolours : red-brown for the brick, and yellow-white-black for the mortar.

Painted brick wall

Came out fairly good, apart from the mortar being too yellow. Also putting black dots/drybrush on the bricks not quite right.


Here is the link to the finished item on Etsy