Brick bookmark - 08 Jul 2022


So as I walk around London, I see a lot of brick walls. They seemed like a challenge to reproduce, so I looked up what colour bricks are (brown-red, usually) and the dimensions of a brick (215 x 102.5 x 65 mm) and … then drew a bookmark.

brick bookmark in pencil

The pattern is ‘Flemish band’, incidentally, rather than ‘English band’ or other arrangements. The scaling down is a little inaccurate, as I made it 21 mm by 10 mm by 6.5 mm, for convenience.


Well, it seemed like a quick test for the technique, although it did mean having the bricks ‘sideways’ to really show a run of them.

brick bookmark in pencil

Anyway, the brick colour is nice - perhaps a little pink. The mortar is a bit too yellow, maybe, although I darkened it with a tiny amount of black.

Both problems can be covered up by drybrushing with some black to simulate London soot from the cars!


The final result is up on Etsy.